
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Jesus Is Comming

Thank you Lord for your saving grace, for family members, friends, strangers getting saved! Im amazed by your Word how close we are to going home.. so exciting and yet fearing but to know I will be in heaven with you for eternity is the best thing thats ever happened to me help me to pray, read, and fellowship rightly! thank you LORD !

P.S are you ready for the LORD To come and take you home. and is heaven your home?

Sunday, February 27, 2011

At home right now always a blessing to come home, to what you know the best, made late dinner for husband his favorite mac and cheese with hot dogs, I kNOW total village food!.. but it taste good. came home to clean clothes and house. Thank you Lord for a roof over my head, food on my table and a good place to sleep!

P.S as for me and my house we will serve the Lord

Friday, February 25, 2011

Thank you Lord for giving me a great family, had good dinner with sister-in law, played sccrable, WON! and started on my parka. I would never had thought 3 years ago I'd be playing sccrable on a thursday night, eating stew, and fellowshiping soberly, Thank you LORD!!....and by the way my 1 year old almost 2 is starting to read!... yeah a 1 year old, your baby can read is AWesome!

P.S others may try to bring you down because of your blessings, but those trials are temptaions that I try not to inqure!

Thursday, February 24, 2011


I figured a theme for my blog! and it's a great one!...

Dear bloggers,

    My name is Sadie, Im married have 2 beautiful children, and been serving the Lord for 3 years. Life 3 years ago for me was a stuggle going in and out of treatments, staying in homes, lock down facilites, and other unneccesary places I would not consider going to again! I grew up in a village, but the turning point in my life was when my father past away. I was about 7 years old, can still remember the day, and the years after it. Shortly after my Dad past away my mom beagan drinking, for couple of years then I started thinking this is how my dad died, and I had the courage to go to my mom and confront her saying " mom I don't want you to die like dad did."  her eyes finally opened up, hey I have 3 beautiful daughters, now how can I change my habbits, so we started to attend chruch, I got saved there but the doctrine wasn't correct, thinking I could loose my salvation, I would pray the same prayer each night now I lay me down to sleep. Terrifed of dying in my sins. i was only about 10 during this time as I grew older I started straying away from God, and into the world of teenagers. 13 years old was another turning point in my life, I just got of of a treatmeant and my mom had moved to a city, and out of the village, adjusting there wasn't easy. But I did reassure my salvation, at a Baptist church. Still angry about moving I was rebllious toward my mother, so she sent me back home to live with my relitaves. There I turned to drinking got many MCAs mintor consumings. Got shipped out to 4 treatmeants after that .By the time I was almost done with treatmeants I had met my husband, a Bible beliving baptist. We talked, worte letters to eachother for months, till finally metting when I was 18. shortly after we Got married , pregnat, and in love. Adjusting to his rules, and his accomadtions, we started to attend a small church In Anchorage, when I mean small it was just the pastors family, and my husband and I. There my life took a full turn to the best life I would never change!.

want to know the rest ask


just got a blog page, new at this wanted to give it a try. well see how it goes!!